Saturday, August 31, 2019

Geography Assessment Fertility and Mortality

1. Suggest & explain why, within a country, crude birth rate varies over time. Use named examples and evidence to support your answer. In the 19th century most countries had a very high birth rate. Since then different countries birth rate has changed and this is mainly because the government implement different polices towards their population. One set of polices is a pro-natal view and this encourages the population to have children and fertility is promoted. One reason for increasing fertility is to compensate for wartime losses for example France in 1918 after the First World War. Germany additionally applied a pro natal strategy to promote Nazi Germany as they wanted to encourage a particular race in pursuit of racially motivated polices. Also, in Japan they want to preserve the labor force from an ageing population and recently they have seen a rise in the birth rate for the first time in six years. Governments have also applied two types of Anti-natal policies to their country and these can be either voluntary or coercive. Voluntary polices include spreading information about family planning clinics with funding form the World Health Organization. They reach out to try and persuade the population to keep below a certain number of children. The earliest examples are in India and Pakistan and now Indonesia is following in their footsteps with setting up 2000 family planning clinics. However some governments turned to an involuntary anti-natal policy, Chinas one child policy is an example of this but researchers are realizing today that even though it may have been strict at the time they have come to understand that it has had very little impact on the population at all. China had and is stilling having a major population crisis. It was introduced in 1979 and if families followed this policy they received free education, health care, pensions and family benefits but these would be taken away if the couple has more than one child. However, the scheme has caused a number of problems in China. This is particularly the case for hundreds of thousands of young females. Many thousands of young girls have been abandoned by their parents as the result of the one child policy. This is because many parents in China prefer to have a boy to carry on the family name. As a result large numbers of girls have either ended up in orphanages, homeless or in some cases killed. The policy has had little impact on the population, it was already decreasing from 1970 – 1979 and had dropped from 34 per 1000 to 18 per 1000 and is now 14 per 1000. It has only gone down 4 per 1000 over 28 years and it has been resisted strongly by the people especially in rural areas as there are not enough people to work on farms. There have also been some changing polices for example in Singapore. From 1965-1987 they introduced a ‘stop at two' campaign this was designed to improve the quality of life for the Singaporean people as the live on such a small island. However the scheme changed dramatically as the government saw the population was the only asset it had. Advance in technology have allowed Singapore to do well in the global economy this is also because of its highly educated population. However now the fertility is continuing to drop and is starting to go into an ageing population. To try and increase the TRF they have introduced incentives for more children and the baby bonus scheme. This includes things such as when have a second child the government will open a children development account and money will be added to the account. Governments mainly influence the birth rates within a country because of the different policies they set in place. 2. Suggest & explain reasons why crude birth rates vary between countries at different levels of economic development There are many reasons why birth rates vary between countries which are at different levels of economic development. LEDC's tend to have very high birth rates and this is because of lack of education about family planning and contraception. In places such as Tanzania there is no access to contraception and therefore the birth rate is high at 39 per 1000. In MEDC's contraception is widely available and there this will make the birth rate decrease. You are able to buy all forms of contraception and in MEDC's people are very well educated on them and how to use them. Also, in LEDC's children are economic assets the more children you have the great income the family will gain. This is because at a very young age children are able to work on farms and earn money for the family. However, in present day this is even seen less in LEDC's as more and more children are trying to go to school to get an education. Where as in an MEDC children are known as economic burdens, they do not start working until 18 and live off there parents until then. Children in MEDC's expect a lot more in there youth such as a good education, clothes, pocket and the general living expenses for food and clothes is much more expensive than in an LEDC. Another reason that birth rates are very high in LEDC's compared to MEDC's is because there is a high infant mortality rate in most LEDC's. Sierra Leone has an infant mortality rate of 160 deaths per 1000 live births. This means that the more children a woman has then there is greater chance of survival for one of them to grow up till adult level. This is generally because of the lack of medical care available in LEDC's where as in a MEDC there is easy access to medical attention. Most babies' die of malnutrition or malaria and these are both easy dealt with in an MEDC however it is much more difficult in a place such as Kenya. In MEDC's there is lower birth rate because women's role society has changed over time. In present day a lot of women are going through higher education onto university and ready to start careers before settling down. This leads to having children later when they are older which to there ‘fertility window' being limited or not at all. Women's role in society is also linked very closely to children becoming economic burdens. Couples cannot afford having a lot of children as it is too expensive leading to smaller families with fewer children. However, the difference between LEDC and MEDC birth rates are becoming more alike. Since 2000 the total fertility rate in LEDC's are dramatically decreasing. In 2000 Ethiopia's the TRF was 7.07 and now in 2007 this has decreased to 5.10 and the same is happening in Saudi Arabia going from 6.39 children down to 3.94. However, MEDC's birth rate is also decreasing and going into an ageing population, Finland going from a Total Fertility rate of 2.04 down to 1.73 showing that the rate is now below replacement level. 3. Suggest & explain why, within a country, crude death rate varies over time. In the UK the death rate has been fluctuating since the beginning of the 18th century. The death rate was steady decreasing in the second half of the 18th century however, in the start of the 19th century this started to change. Firstly, there was a war in France although this death count was nothing compared to the deaths caused by the potato famine in 1845 over 1 million people died from starvation and disease in Ireland because of failure of the potato crop. However the death rate continued to rise from the outbreak of cholera in 1848 when over 13,000 people died. At the time there was no cure for the disease and no body new the cause of it. Before 1820 a lot of the population was insolvent and was dying because of starvation however since 1760 major advances in agriculture was made. Selective breeding was starting to occur and was soon producing ‘superior' animals. New vegetable such as carrots were being grown and the land was becoming much more productive. This then had a reflection on the life expectancy and was now more than 40 years. However, social class was definitely affecting the death rate. Research has shown that more affluent areas had a lower death rate than working class and this could be linked to poorer housing conditions which meant that disease is able to spread quicker and affect more people. In 1843 the life expectancy in Manchester was just 24 years old and with the over crowding and lack of hygiene allowed many diseases to multiply such as tuberculosis and typhus fever. Water became very contaminated and people would drink this and become very sick. Nevertheless, medical developments started to be discovered and soon enough a cure for smallpox was found. Small pox was responsible for over 21/2 million people a year and 1 in 13 children would die from it, it was the world's most feared disease. Since then medical care kept improving and they established anesthetic for operations and penicillin to kill bacteria. National Health Service was introduced in 1948 to cover the population's medical needs. In the 20th century the death rate continued to decline despite the wars and weapons and the life expectancy had risen to 75 years. However, now we have new medical issues to worry about since AIDS is the new feared disease and cancer seems to be striking more and more. However, within a country certain ages migrate to certain areas of the country for example there is a higher death rate in the south coast of England because there are lots of retirement centers down there and many people of the older generation move there for the scenery, quietness and relaxation as they do not want to retire in a city. The futures death path is undecided no one can predict what will happen. With the UK now becoming the fattest nation in Europe it seems that they have fight obesity as well. Two-thirds of men and almost 60% of women are unhealthily heavy and if nothing changes, nearly a third of boys and girls aged under 11 will be overweight or obese by 2010. With unhealthy diets, little exercise and fast food it seems like the new epidemic to beat is obesity. 4. Why do crude death rates vary between countries at different levels of economic development? Death rates between countries with different levels of economic development because of many reasons. Firstly, in LEDC's there is a much higher death rate than in MEDC's, one reason for this is access to clean water, sanitation and a reliable food supply. MEDC's have a much more reliable food supply than countries such as Ethiopia and because of this many people there die of starvation or malnutrition. The developed world has more money and infrastructure to control sewage and water filtration to make sure that water is clean and drinkable. Food has become more widely available with reliable with application of fertilisers, pesticides and agro-chemicals. In MEDC's the land area required to grow crops has decreased substantially yet the yield outputs have increased also intensive farming methods have been introduced such as the green revolution in the EU. Also, medical care in MEDC's is of a higher standard compared to LEDC's. More and more vaccinations are being introduced in MEDC's to prevent diseases and this also helps to lower the infant mortality as well as the death rate. People in MEDC's also have a higher life expectancy which lowers the death rate as people are living for longer. Disease control shows the development and access to medication. If there is good access to medical care then there is a low number of population per doctor. Somewhere such as the UK with 300 pop per doc has a better access to medical care than Ethiopia with a pop per doc of 32 499! Advances in medical technology have also helped reduce the death rate such as keyhole surgery and antibiotics. Also, some countries have a National Health Service such as the UK this means that any medical attention is free. Many LEDC's do not have this and a lot of the population cannot afford doctors which therefore mean there is a greater risk of dying from curable diseases.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Difficult Times Always Lead To Better Days

Every cloud has a silver lining means that you should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days. Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun but after some time the cloud shines much brighter than previous time. Life is full of challenges and the longer we live, the more we face new events or challenges in life. Some pass easily and others not.So there are two kinds of people in this world; one who works hard and overcome the situation and the other are those who gives up rapidly. The world we live in is not perfect, and we will never ever find a world which is perfect in itself. Every day there will be things that make us cry or feel sad about ourselves. People who will stand in front of the difficulties which they face, they will be able to improve themselves and let their dreams come true. They are known as brave people and the entire world respect them.In contrast, there are people who watch their steps carefully, they st udy their books and do what their bosses, parents, or teachers tell them to do. But if they, for example, could not solve a math problem they will close their books and stop studying. Furthermore, if there is a problem between a husband and a wife, and this husband or wife is one of those people who give up easily, they may get divorced from the first difficulty but if they stand against the problem and face that problem, it may possible that they will win the situation. Difficult Times Always Lead To Better Days Every cloud has a silver lining means that you should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days. Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun but after some time the cloud shines much brighter than previous time. Life is full of challenges and the longer we live, the more we face new events or challenges in life. Some pass easily and others not. So there are two kinds of people in this world; one who works hard and overcome the situation and the other are those who gives up rapidly.The world we live in is not perfect, and we will never ever find a world which is perfect in itself. Every day there will be things that make us cry or feel sad about ourselves. People who will stand in front of the difficulties which they face, they will be able to improve themselves and let their dreams come true. They are known as brave people and the entire world respect them. In contrast, there are people who watch their steps carefully, they s tudy their books and do what their bosses, parents, or teachers tell them to do.But if they, for example, could not solve a math problem they will close their books and stop studying. Furthermore, if there is a problem between a husband and a wife, and this husband or wife is one of those people who give up easily, they may get divorced from the first difficulty but if they stand against the problem and face that problem, it may possible that they will win the situation.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Indian Nations Essay

For Centuries, Indian Nations converted their knowledge into wealth and social order through that process of innovation. The purpose of innovation is to create a new value for a society at large. Indian Nations created those new values in the form of advancements in many fields like Mathematics, Architecture and Religion that modern society continues to build on. Divergent Indian Tribes, throughout North and South America, had been thriving and living for generations with a deep reverence for their God or Spirit, and living in symbiosis with the land. As the new settlers arrived, they introduced their own brand of social order, however, they failed to understand the impact their desire to conform or corral the native people would forever alter, and in some instances destroy, the lives of future generations of Indians. One of the most startling examples of this was the decimation of the Lakota Indians by the 7th Calvary at Wounded Knee, South Dakota in 1890. Their leader, Big Foot, certainly was feeling the hopelessness and frustration of his people living on the Cheyenne River Reservation having to rely on the handouts from corrupt government officials for survival. It is likely, compelled by the desire to create a better existence for his people; Big Foot left the reservation in late December with approximately 300 of his people to meet Red Cloud, the Oglala Indian leader, at Pine Ridge. Previous to their ill- fated journey, their hopes had been temporarily inspired by Sitting Bull’s Ghost Dance; the Lakota Indians would dance tirelessly and endlessly whereby hoping to restore their nation’s personal freedoms and way of life prior to the intrusion of the white settlers on their lands. Unfortunately, their efforts would prove unsuccessful and succeeded only in producing further doubts by the white settlers and, likely, the justification for the actions of the 7th Calvary soldiers at Wounded Knee when the Lakota would be summarily executed even as they stood under the white flag of truce. It is possible that many of the soldiers, like the settlers, simply did not understand the desperation of the Lakota and acted in haste wrought from fear of a foreign people and a misguided or presumed belief of their intentions. However, Nations of Indians existed before these events and their stories are of prosperous civilizations and even vast conquering empires with modern commerce systems, religious and cultural centers and established bodies of governorship and some Nations even had ruling classes akin to a Monarch. For Instance, the Anasazi of the southwest, created Pueblo Bonita in Choco Canyon, near present day Albuquerque. Pueblo Bonita was a central hub or city with 400 miles of trade and mass transit routes extending from its center, wherefore, the Anasazi supplied commerce and food to many towns along that route into Mexico City. Near the Mississippi River, the Cahokia Nation existed under the rule of a single Sun king who spoke simple edicts stemming from never kill anyone except in self- defense, consideration for others above one’s individual self- interests and device- free living habits which are, ironically, similar to many Christian biblical guidelines. The Mayan Empire, present day South America, contained 60 capital cities and stretch over many miles fueled by an Agricultural commerce and trade system. The Mayan’s development of a true writing language, unlike the ancient Egyptian picture hieroglyphs, and their advancements in Religion, Math and Architecture further united and brought prosperity to the Mayan people until their demise in 800 AD. In Mexico, the Aztecs (1330 AD – 1520 AD) had established a tax system, levying and recording the tributes of subjugated villages within its empire, in order to build their own material wealth but, also, to finance public works and services for the Aztec people. Before the discovery of the â€Å"New World† when European settlers would cross the Atlantic and encounter an indigenous Indian people. The â€Å"Native† Indian people were steep with traditions, customs and beliefs different from that of any future, new settlers. They would have societal values, an established social order, and innovations within commerce systems that could easily be the foundation or establishment of modern day society. Alas, for many Indian Nations magnificent stone carvings, pottery and ancient ruins would be the only evidence of their existence and the lasting effigies to their skill as tradesman, artisans and innovators.

Project proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project proposal - Essay Example Distance-learning and part-time students must have access to a workplace supervisor who holds an MSc or higher award or published in a referred journal. If the student wishes, an additional (second) workplace supervisor can be asked to fulfill this criterion. "I declare this is all my own work and does not contain unreferenced material copied from any other source. If it is shown that any material has been 3lagiarized, I understand that a mark of zero may be awarded and the reason for that mark recorded on my student record." To test the reliability of ADVIA 2120 in revealing accurate red blood cell parameters is the interest of this study. Stricture is critical when providing clinically relevant data on patients with abnormal indices in red blood cells. Red blood cell volume and red blood cellular hemoglobin on specified samples has been found to be accurately measured using ADVIA 2120 flow Cytometry. It was also found to be capable of showing through a histogram variance around the mean in the two measurements. The red cell matrix and the enumerated red cell sub-populations by their Hb and MCV indices or MCV variance are called the Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW). The cellular Hb variance is called the Hemoglobin Distribution Width (HDW). Increased RDW is commonly described morphologically as anisocytosis, and increased HDW is commonly known as anisochromia. In addition to the location of the abnormal red cells on the ADVIA 2120 erythrogram

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Humanitarian Intervention In A Military Capacity Essay - 1

Humanitarian Intervention In A Military Capacity - Essay Example But once genocide has been defined, the question still remains of who should be able to intervene and under what circumstances. For the purposes of the international community, monitoring standards should be imposed when and where a more powerful nation or coalition of nations intends to intervene up for humanitarian purposes in a region where genocide is a possibility. Whatever pretext the invader claims as a moral justification for the military action should be evaluated by an international body, and codified. If the justification for an invasion is to ensure that threaten civilian populations receive access to food aid, then monitors should ensure that the invaders hold true to this stated intent. No modern democracy in the current political climate would openly claim that their intent is to rule over another nation for the sake of Empire, and if an invading nation, in fact, denies this purpose, then an international body should monitor the extent of their military involvement for the purpose of documenting legitimate benchmarks towards the restoration of sovereignty within the occupied nation after the physical crisis has abated. Sanctions or withdrawal of support in addition to international condemnation should follow if prearranged benchmarks are not met. This strategy should prove a reasonable standard with respect to the military actions of democratic societies, but different discussions would become necessary in the event of military adventurism by governments not limited by popular votes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Communication mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Communication mix - Essay Example Communication mix is one of the most important promotional tools, or marketing functions used in the implementations of marketing campaigns. Modern commercial advertising is the persuasive force that aims at changing customers' attitudes and pattern of behaviour to a product or service in ways, which would be favourable to the seller. This is necessary as the needs and wants of consumers continually change as they pass through the different economic stages of the family life cycle. The relative importance of advertising has been determined by the qualities it can add to a marketing campaign in the travel and tourism sector. Additional elements of the communication mix compliment advertising however they are not significant or effective enough to replace advertising within this sector. The essential process of communication involves sending messages to potential consumers using a variety of methods in order to create awareness and understanding of why people should purchase a specific product or service. If the method of communication is the most appropriate, then there is a possibility that the potential consumer will buy the product or service. The simple aim being to raise awareness levels, generate interest and to enhance brand development amongst consumers. Advertising is just one element of the 'communications mix'. The simple aim being to raise awareness levels, generate interest and to enhance brand development amongst consumers. Advertising is one of the most important promotional tools, or marketing functions used in the implementation of marketing campaigns. This is due to its persuasive force that aims at changing customers' attitudes and patterns of behaviour to a product or service in ways, which would be favourable to the seller. This is necessary as the needs and wants of consumers continually change as they pass through the different economic stages of the family life cycle. Advertising, along with other components of the 'communications mix' also helps to identify brand identities, the idea being that customers see these identities as being tantamount with quality and dependability. To inform potential customers and users of the existence of the product which can be valuable to the prospective customer To remind existing users of the continued existence of the product and improvements. To regain lost customers and accounts. To stimulate enquiries Analysis Bad Communication Plan: Red Bull How should Red Bull market its brand in the future even though Red Bull has been very successful in the pervious years , but now times have changed thus the organization as well as products must change as well , or else red bull will most likely lose market share to the numerous competitors in a matter a few years . In the early morning and mid night, Red Bull energy drink was once the selected by the people of every field. But nowadays it marketing communication plan has become worn-out, it is old fashioned and not

Monday, August 26, 2019

Should drinking age be lowered to 18 like in Europe Essay

Should drinking age be lowered to 18 like in Europe - Essay Example Those speaking against reducing the drinking age support drinking in exceptional cases, such as drinking in home environment, drinking under adult guidance, for medical needs, and other similar reasons. Those who favor reducing the age bar to 18 years, the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) from 21, counter that it has not helped teen drinking. On the contrary, it has encouraged binge drinking in private and risky surroundings, causing health and life-threatening conduct by youngsters ( 1). Just because the European drinking age is 18 years, Americans should also follow them is not a logical argument in itself. Relatively to the European countries’ teenagers’ drinking pattern, the American teenagers’ rate of drinking is lower. The American teenagers’ rate of consuming alcohol or binge drinking is similar or lesser than their European counterparts. Negative effects of increased rate of alcohol intake and binge drinking have been reported in less than 13 years old teenagers as well, which leads to the logical factor of not reducing the age bar from 21 to 18 years ( 1). Another logical argument against reducing the drinking age bar is that MLDA 21 assists teenagers to control binge drinking. Binge drinking habit is at the highest among 21- to 25-year-olds at 45.9%. Comparing this rate with that of the 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, and 18-20 age-groups, their binge drinking rates are 1.5%, 7.8%, 19.4%, and 35.7% respectively, which are relatively very lower. Considering the legal aspect, the MLDA 21 laws help in downsizing the number of drinkers below the legal drinking age. It has been observed that since 1984 when maximum numbers of MLDA 21laws were promulgated, the percentage of below-age alcohol consumption has reduced. Research has also pointed that when the alcohol consumption age is 21; those below this age consume less alcohol, and make it a habit to consume less alcohol across their

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Heart Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Heart Failure - Essay Example Heart Failure Precisely, this was the literature gap identified in this study. To establish the research problem, Felter et al. (2014) grounded their arguments on the recent statistical data, which proved the claim of the authors regarding readmissions of heart failure patients. Perhaps, with the supposition to maintain generalisability and include both favoring and opposing data, Felter et al. (2014) also delivered due significance in including information about those strategies, which are adopted by hospitals to prevent readmissions of the patient population, through the implementation of â€Å"transitional care intervention† programs. From an argumentative perception thus, Felter et al. (2014: 774) stated, â€Å"†¦An analysis of Medicare claims data from 2007 to 2009 found that 35% of readmissions within 30 days were for HF [heart failure]†. Although the focus of the study was laid on the evaluation of the health care efficiency in delivering quality treatment to heart failure patients, Felter et al. (2014) also attempted to recommend a few noteworthy solutions to the situation based on the â€Å"transitional care intervention† program that is often practiced to serve the population. Precisely, Felter et al. (2014) stated that their purpose was to â€Å"assess the efficacy, comparative effectiveness, and harms of transitional care interventions to reduce readmission and mortality rates for adults hospitalized with HF†.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Corporate finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Corporate finance - Essay Example Company’s capital structure can comprise of majority of equity or debt component, an equal combination of both or only one of them. Each approach includes its own advantages as well as disadvantages. The hypothesis on capital structure from the Modigliani & Miller is considered as one of the significant developments or progress in the area of corporate finance (Miller, 1988). The report will highlight the main foundations and implications of Modigliani & Miller approach towards the capital structure. It will also focus on how this theory is related to the purpose of weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for a company. Further, the report will take into consideration the practical applicability and usefulness of the theory in real life business. There are five assumptions of this approach which involves: no taxes; transaction price/cost for selling and buying securities and also the cost of bankruptcy is nil; there is evenness of information which means that the investor will have the right to use the similar information that the corporate would and it also means that the investors are required to behave rationally; the borrowing cost is same for companies as well as investors; and financing of debt does not involve any effect on the firm’s earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). The approach of Modigliani & Miller signifies that the value of leveraged company (i.e. the company having the mixture of equity and debt) is similar to the unleveraged company’s value (i.e. the company which is completely financed by means of equity) if the future prospects and the operating profits are same. It further explains that if the investor buys leveraged firm’s share, it would rate him on the same scale as purchasin g the unleveraged firm’s share (Casamatta, 2003). The theorem of Modigliani & Miller makes the basis of contemporary corporate finance. It defines that this

Friday, August 23, 2019

Argument Essay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argument Essay - Research Paper Example a century back, death penalty was widely practiced in almost all cultures but in recent times the use of capital punishment has declined very sharply. Although it has been practiced much less than before but still every year thousands of people receive death penalties worldwide and hundreds of them get executed also. There is worldwide debate that whether the death penalty is a justified and valid form of punishment. There is a debate over the morals and effectiveness of such a harsh sentence. Many people support the death penalty while many others wish for the death penalty to be abolished. People who support the death penalty have some very strong arguments in the favor of this punishment. One of the strongest arguments in the favor is that this penalty sends strong warning to those who are planning heinous crimes. If a murderer is sentenced to death and being executed then many future potential murderers think many times before attempting such a crime. They say that if a criminal knows that he is not going to be punished severely even if he/she kills many people, then they gets encouragement from this and does not hesitate to commit those serious crimes like murder. So it’s necessary to convey a strong message to all of those potential criminals. They say that for every man who is executed, seven lives are saved. Another strong argument in the favor of death penalty is that if a criminal like murderer got death penalty and get executed then the relatives of the person being murdered are get satisfied and they don’t try to take the law in their hands. So death penalty not only helps to deter against the potential criminals but it also made the effected people to believe in law and justice and prevents them to take the law in their own hand. Moreover Opponents point to the ever-present risk of wrongful conviction (Los Angeles Times, 2009). People who oppose the death penalty argues that you could not combat violence with more violence they say that â€Å"Why

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Iroquois myth Essay Example for Free

The Iroquois myth Essay Throughout time there have been many myths about creation and the balance of good and evil in the world.   Examining an Iroquios, Penobscot, and Christian myth there are striking similarities. By taking a look at the beliefs behind these myths we are also taking a look at how people have viewed creation, the balance of good and evil, and human sacrifice over time. The Iroquois myth, â€Å"Skywoman†, shares beliefs about the creation of the world.   It first speaks of the heavens above and the miraculous conception of Skywoman.    Skywomen’s father is the first to die in this world and she in only able to be consoled by visiting his body or grave.   Father’s spirit tells her to take a dangerous journey to the village of her soon to be husband.   Once there she, like her mother, becomes pregnant without having intercourse.   Her husband becomes extremely jealous and kicks her through a hole to the next world.   She is saved by flying ducks and a turtle and gives birth to a daughter. This daughter grows and becomes pregnant with twin boys to the spirit of the turtle. The boys symbolize the beginning of good and evil.   The evil twin kills his mother in birth.   The grandmother believes the good twin killed her daughter and he is exiled from their home.   The good twin creates a new world consisting of mortal humans, straight rivers, edible plants, and animals who sacrifice themselves for human consumption.   The bad twin does everything he can to make life hard for the humans including making maize hard so it has to be ground before it can be eaten, making some animals predators to humans, and making rolling hills and winding rivers to make travel harder.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Penobscot myth is also about creation.   In this myth the people are born from the elements of the earth; the man is born from the ocean, â€Å"the foam of the wave† and his wife is born â€Å"because a drop of dew fell on a leaf and is warmed by the sun.†Ã‚   The husband and wife have children, who have children, and the people survive by hunting.   One day the animals are gone and the family is starving.   The wife tells her husband that she must be sacrificed if the family is to survive.   She gives him specific instructions and she is sacrificed.   Her body is used to nourish the land and after seven moons there are edible plants and tobacco at her resting place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are many myths throughout the world and throughout history about the creation of the world as we know it.   It is interesting that so often these myths from many different cultures and religions have similar ideas.   I find one of the most common stories of creation to be that of Christian nature with the story of Adam and Eve.   In this story Adam and Eve are living in the Garden of Eden, a pure world.   In this world there is no shame and plenty of food and water.  Ã‚   The world as we know it comes to an end when the evil snake steps in and creates temptation.   Thus the world as we know it is now is created with good and evil both playing a role.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I find it fascinating that across time, oceans, and cultural boundaries people have had such similar ideas about creation, the presence of good and evil in the world, and sacrifice.   In many myths about creation the world is created from heaven and hell, or in the case of the Iroquois myth from the sky world and the underworld, or from the earth as seen in the Penobscot myth.   In the Iroquois and Christian myth there is always a struggle to find the balance between good and evil, the Iroquois twins or the snake tempting Adam.   There is also the reoccurring theme of sacrifice.   In the Iroquois myth the twins’ mother was sacrificed at birth.    The animals in this myth originally offered to be sacrificed for human consumption.   The first mother sacrificed herself in the Pencobost myth to the earth and to create food for her children.   I believe that it has been known for quite a while that once these necessities are fulfilled then we can move on to fulfill our psychological needs such as acceptance and love.   Human nature crosses generations upon generations of people.   In essence I feel that people have always known what they need and want out of life.   The balance of good and evil comes into play because of the ways of which people choose to go about obtaining their wants and needs.

Macbeth - The Central Themes of the Play Essay Example for Free

Macbeth The Central Themes of the Play Essay The central themes of the play are highlighted by the sinister statement made by the witches at the very beginning of the play, Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air. The whole tone for the play is set as it is a drama about contradictory forces and ideas: light and darkness; good and evil; holy and unholy; loyalty and disloyalty; trust and mistrust; what is natural and unnatural; honesty and deception. The witches mention of Macbeth is significant because he is immediately associated with evil. Duncan decides to appoint Macbeth as the next Thane of Cawdor as the previous one was a traitor, he says, No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive Our bosom interest. Go pronounce his present death, And with his former title greet Macbeth. This is ironic as Macbeth has inherited the title of a traitor and the title leads to Duncans killing and ultimately Macbeths downfall. This is also a link to the fair is foul statement as Macbeth seems fair, noble and a good servant for the king but in the end he kills Duncan and is evil. Macbeth has the capacity to kill for both good and evil. Duncan realises that he cant judge people by their appearances and that they can be deceptive, Theres no art To find the minds construction in the face: This is ironic as he about to make the same mistake with the next Thane of Cawdor, the fact that people can be deceptive is reflected by fair is foul as people arent always what they seem. When Macbeth realises that one of the witches prophesies has come true Banquo says, What! Can the devil speak true? This is saying that the witches are the devil and evil but they have spoken the truth which is not expected, this mixes good and evil referring back to fair is foul and one of the themes this statement explores. Macbeth is also immediately liked with evil as he echoes the witches, So foul and fair a day I have not seen. The witches have established their deliberate evil and their powerful presence in the play, Macbeth has become their victim, we can see this where he says Upon the blasted heath you stop our way With such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you. This shows that Macbeth is drawn into what they are saying and also indicates the witches power over him as they just vanish. Macbeths echo links him with the themes that these words explore, he uses ironic lines such as, Win us with honest trifles, to betrays In deepest consequence. Macbeth is now liked with the themes such as honesty, betrayal and loyalty all explored by the fair is foul, and foul is fair statement, Macbeth is gradually being drawn more and more towards evil by his own weaknesses. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth share a very close relationship which is based around trust and honesty. Macbeth is ambitious and Lady Macbeth is trying to help him achieve his ambition, All that impedes thee from the golden round, Which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem To have thee crownd withal. This is ironic as although the wealth and power seems very attractive to them once they get it the trust, honesty and closeness they had is lost, this once links back to the fair is foul theme. Lady Macbeth also tells Macbeth to be deceitful and disguise the truth, Look at the time, bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your toungue: look like the innocent flower But be the serpent undert. This shows that Macbeth looks innocent and fair but inside he is evil and foul. Duncan ironically praises Macbeths castle as pleasant and welcoming, This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself Unto our gentle senses. This shows that fair is foul as the castle looks pleasant from the outside but is evil within and is where Duncan is to be murdered. Duncan also praises Lady Macbeth as the noble, welcoming hostess; she is deceptive and puts on the false face of goodness to Duncan when really she is planning his murder, she says, Your majesty loads our house: for those of old, and the late dignities heapd up to them, Macbeths ambition overpowers his conscience and morality with the help of Lady Macbeth and he commits the murder. Once they find out that Duncan has been murdered Macbeth again plays innocent and is not genuine, for example, You are, and do not knowt: The spring, the head, the fountain of your blood Is stoppd; the very source of it is stoppd. Macbeth conceals what he knows and pretends to be horrified by the murder in contrast to Macduff who is genuine, Macbeths language is over elaborate. The theme of natural and unnatural is created throughout the play, for example when the Old Man says, T is unnatural, Even like the deed thats done. On Tuesday last, A falcon, towering in her pride of place, Was by a mousing owl hawked at, and killed. This means that nature has changed and become strange and unnatural and reflects the murder and unnaturalness of Duncans death. Macbeth holds a Banquet at which Banquo is supposed to be present but Macbeth has murdered him, this shows that fair is foul as everything seems normal but it is not and the ghost of Banquo turns up to haunt Macbeth. When Macbeth goes to visit the witches again they are cunning and employ equivocation, juggling with words to disguise the truth and lull Macbeth into a false sense of security. This is shown where they say, The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth. This is making Macbeth feel safe without them lying as Macduff was cut from his mother when she was dead, the witches are deceiving him showing that foul is fair. When Macduff goes to ask Malcom to raise an army to fight Macbeth and bring order back to Scotland Malcom accuses himself of being evil and foul. He is cautious to make sure Macduff is not trying to leur him back to Macbeth, he says, To make me hunger more, that I should forge Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal, Destroying them for wealth. Malcom is appearing foul but is fair in contrast to Macbeth, Malcom believes in Maduffs integrity and decided to help him. Malcom also says, The night is long that never find the day. This means that every black, evil night comes to a good day, foul is fair. The contrasts become moral contrasts and Macbeth has lost everything, eventually goodness overpowers evil.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Suitable Network To Implement In Gaming Centre Computer Science Essay

Suitable Network To Implement In Gaming Centre Computer Science Essay In this documentation, is going to propose a suitable network to implement in gaming centre. In order to select the right network, it is necessary to have understanding and knowledge on various types of network, to know the efficiency and reliability of the network, various types of game and requirement, network topology and architecture, ISP package selection, network component. Follow by types of game that going to provide to the customer, by providing several example of games requirement for making decision on different types of hardware and software to use in gaming centre. The game requirement is an important role that allows gaming centre to choose the suitable hardware for the computer in the gaming centre in order to achieve customer satisfaction. In order to allow customer to play online and LAN games with lowest connection latency, the selection of network topology and architecture is important. Due to the gaming centre is going to implement 30 gaming computer for the customer, the right topology and architecture allow customer to play online and LAN game smoothly. To play an online game with smooth connection, it is required to have good bandwidth of connection speed. Therefore, choosing the suitable package among other Internet Service Provider will be based on the connection speed. To build a complete and working network for the gaming centre, the major component of network cannot be missed out, which is computer, software, network interface device, and transmission media. Each of the components has different responsibility in order for a network to be complete. With the help of research on Internet, the model of device and type of application is recommended base on the specification of the hardware and software. However, these hardware and software may request to change by gaming centre after or before the implementation based on their justification. Assumption Below is some of the assumption of the gaming centre and network that going to implement:- The gaming centre will be providing high-end game to customer. Customers allow playing offline, online, and LAN games in the gaming centre. The gaming centre is capable of hosting tournament for different types of online and LAN games. The computer specification is sufficient enough for most of the high-end game. The connection bandwidth is capable to handle up to 35 computers in the gaming centre. The network topology, architecture and device recommended able to achieve the terms of scalability and flexibility for the gaming centre to expanding the business in future. Limitation There is some of limitation of the network that may require specialist or admin with relevant knowledge to solve the problem. These limitations may require paying extra attention by admin in order to minimize the lost that cause by it. The particular networks fail if the centralized device is encountering a problem. This may affect all computers that connected to the device. The network congestion problem occur when huge numbers of users trying to access the server to obtain the resource from the server. When the server is down or damage, it unable to handle and provide result of request by the customer such as starting a game. 1.0 Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction Wendell Odom (2004, pg.5) states that Network, a combination of hardware, software, and cabling, which together allow multiple computing devices to communicate with each other. In general, network basically means that numbers of computer being attached together in order to communicate and sharing information using cable. However, without proper configuration and supported software, communication and sharing information activities cant perform accordingly. Picture below shows the example of a network. Figure 1.1 Computer Network (, n.d.) In order to create a successful network, it should consist of several parts, which is computer, software, network interface device, and transmission medium. Without any of the important part mention above, it will not call as a network. Computer is electronic devices that allow users to perform certain task easily compare to perform manually. Software is an application that helps computer to perform most of the task. Network interface device is referring to the device that uses to connect the computer with the internet, example modem, switch, router, and hub. Transmission medium is cable that connects the network interface device with the computer, as well as connects to the internet. People nowadays know that advantage of network is to share resources and information in shortest time and different geographical location. It helps to evaluate the travel time from one location to another location. Moreover, network also helps increased cost efficiency, this is refer to most of the software are published are costly and required certain amount of time to install. With the help of network, they can stored or install the software on a server so that it can be used by different workstation. In the gaming centre, it allow customer to access to the game play online or LAN games with players within or outside the gaming centre. 1.2 Type of Network 1.2.1 Wide Area Network (WAN) The gaming centre will be implementing the Wide Area Network, which is a combination of multiple Local Area Networks to allow customer to play online game as well as LAN game at the same time. Example of the WAN is Internet. It combines all the LAN that connected to the internet which allows users to communicate and sharing resource within the LAN or other LAN that connected to the Internet. Figure 1.2 WAN (, n.d) The reason of having WAN for the gaming centre is due to the wide coverage of the network. The only resource needed for the gaming centre to implement is LAN that can access to the Internet, then it is automatically becomes part of the WAN. 2.0 Chapter 2 2.1 Computer Game Mark Stanfield and Thomas Connolly (2008, pg.25) states that The definition of computer games combines the more comprehensive concept of game with the use of computer. The game concept represents a structured or semi-structured activity with goal that players try to achieve and set of rules governing its operation. Base on the definition, game is referring to a well planned structure that consists of objective for anyone that plays it. However, player is required to understand and obey the rules and regulation of the specific in order to achieve the objective and gain achievement. Meanwhile, computer game is mean by the game can only be played using electronic devices which is computer. That the beginning of computer games, there is only offline game available and it required lesser disk space compare to computer games nowadays. Until today, there is plenty type of computer game on the market, such as online games, offline games, LAN games which is local area network games, and every type of computer games had been classified into different categories, for example RPG, FPS, RTS and many more. Offline games is referring to any games that can play by single player and unable to connect through the network and play with other players that playing the same game. An online game is referring to any type of game that can play using Internet and play or compete against other player. Lastly, LAN games is referring to any types of game that can played with other players within the certain area whereby users computer is connected to a same network. However, there are many games that can allow single player as well as multiplayer. Every game had its own requirement in order for player to play the games without any foreseen problem, the requirement divided into different categories, such as type operating system, processor, and type of graphic card, numbers GB of RAM, hard disk space, and also DirectX version. However, there is minimum requirement and recommended requirement which allow player to know that the specific game is suitable to play on their computer or not. Minimum requirement is to allow users to run and play the game in a normal performance and loading speed. As for recommended requirement, users able to run and play the game smoother in terms of performance and higher loading speed. As a LAN gaming centre, it is necessary to have various type of games provided to customer according to their favourite, and to satisfied the customer, there is certain level of knowing the games requirement and specification so that the centre able to choose the right hardware and software for the computer in the centre. By taking some example of the games requirement, it should be able to help in choosing the proper gadget for the computer. 2.2 Types of Game The game chosen to review the game requirement and use it as a reference for selecting the suitable hardware and software for the computer, Starcraft II, Warcraft 3, Counter-Strike: Source, Sudden Attack SEA, and Devil May Cry 4. The example of game chosen included online games, offline games, and LAN games. Online game example for this documentation is Sudden Attack SEA, which is first person shooting game and can only be played while connected with internet. Offline game is Devil May Cry 4 which is role playing game only for single player. Lastly LAN game, the example of game chosen is Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3, a real time strategy game, and Counter-Strike: Source is a first person shooting game. These three games can be played with other player while connected to the network. However, it can be consider as offline, online game as well, due to these game are able to play with single player or connected to internet and play with or compete against other player. 2.3 Games Requirement Figure 2.1 Sudden attack SEA (online) (, n.d) System Minimum Requirement Recommended Requirement CPU Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz or above AMD Athlon XP2100 or above Intel Core 2 Duo or above AMD Athlon 64 X2 or above Memory 1GB or above 2GB or above (Win Vista/7) 2GB or above 4GB or above (Win Vista/7) Video Card 128MB or above 256MB or above Microsoft DirectX 9.0c compatible Graphic Card Operating System Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 DirectX Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or above Hard Disk Space 3GB free space after game installation Table 2.1 Sudden Attack requirement (, n.d) Figure 2.2 Devil May Cry 4 (offline) (, n.d) System Minimum Requirement Recommended Requirement CPU Intel Pentium 4 processor or better Intel Core 2 Duo processor or better Memory 512MB 1GB Video Card NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series or better NVIDIA GeForce 8600 series or better Operating System Windows XP service pack 2 Window Vista Hard Disk Space 8GB Drive DVD-ROM Drive Table 2.2 Devil May Cry 4 requirement (, n.d) Figure 2.3 Starcraft II (LAN/Online/Offline) (, n.d) For Windows OS System Minimum Requirement Recommended Requirement Operating System Window XP/Vista/7 (latest service pack) Window Vista/7 CPU 2.6GHz Pentium IV or equivalent AMD Athlon processor Dual Core 2.4GHz processor Graphic Card 128MB PCIe NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT or ATI Radeon 9800 PRO or better 512MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX or ATI Radeon HD 3870 or better RAM 1GB (1.5GB for Window Vista/7) 2GB Hard Disk Space 12GB Others (hardware) Keyboard/mouse, Internet Connection Resolution Minimum 1024720 display resolution DirectX DirectX 9.0c Table 2.3 Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty requirement (for Windows) (, n.d) For Mac System Minimum Requirement Recommended Requirement Operating System Mac OS X 10.5.8, 10.6.2 or newer Mac OS X 10.6.5 or newer CPU Intel Processor Intel Core 2 Duo processor Graphic Card NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT or ATI Radeon X1600 or better NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT or ATI Radeon HD 4670 or better RAM 2GB 4GB Hard Disk Space 12GB Others (hardware) Keyboard/mouse, Internet Connection Resolution Minimum 1024720 display resolution Table 2.4 Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty requirement (for Mac) (, n.d) Figure 2.4 Counter-Strike: Source (LAN/Online/Offline) (, n.d) For Windows System Minimum Requirement Recommended Requirement CPU 1.7GHz processor Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz or better) RAM 512MB 1GB Graphic Card DirectX 8.1 level graphic card (Requires support for SSE) DirectX 9 level graphic card Operating System Windows 7 (32/64-bit) / Vista / XP DirectX DirectX 8.1 or above DirectX 9 or above Table 2.5 Counter-Strike: Source requirement (for Windows) (, n.d) For Mac System Minimum Requirement Operating System OS X version Leopard 10.5.8 Snow Leopard 10.6.3 RAM 1GB Graphic Card NVIDIA GeForce 8 or higher ATI X1600 or higher Intel HD 3000 Others (hardware) Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection Table 2.6 Counter-Strike: Source requirement (for Mac) (, n.d) Based on the example of game requirement shown above, it clearly shows that different game have its own minimum and recommended requirement in order to play the game smoothly. Games requirement are usually based on previous version of graphic card or processor that already in the market to allow more player to play the games with their current computer. It also shows that different year of published the game may affected the requirement directly. With the example given for different games requirement, it helps the gaming centre to choose the right hardware for the gaming computer. 3.0 Chapter 3 3.1 Topology The topology choose to implement in the gaming centre is star topology. Star topology is one of the most common topology that used in current days. In star topology, every device is connected to a centralized device such as switch, router, or hub via Ethernet cable. This topology arrangement creates a point-to-point network connection between two devices and overall gives the appearance of a star. The reason of implementing the star topology in the gaming centre is the level of flexibility and expandability is high. Multiple star can combine as a hierarchical star and connectivity of the network on one particular computer will not affected other computer that connected to the same network unless the whole centralized device or main cable connected with the modem or router is damaged. Figure 3.1 Star Topology (, n.d) 3.2 Architecture The architecture that suggested implementing in the gaming centre would be client-server architecture. Client-server architecture is referring multiple user computer connect and interact with one or multiple server that connected within same network. This architecture allows multiple users to submit request at the same time, and the server able to react to the request and provide result to user requested accordingly. Server are usually powerful machine due to the workload is heavy and need to be complete within short period of time. The reason of implementing client-server architecture to the gaming centre is due to the resource will be kept in the server that connected to the same network with the users computer. If the gaming centre decides to expand and add more computers to the network, it would be very easy to configure and it wont affect other clients connection with the server. Figure 3.2 Client-server (, n.d) 3.3 Internet Service Provider ISP is the companies that provide Internet service to the people by subscribe various packages that give various amount of Mbps and services to the customer. Some ISP also provides modem/router for subscribing their package. The ISP that suggested is TM. Currently TM is promoting high speed broadband called Unifi, these package allow customer to enjoy the speed from minimum 5Mbps up to 20Mbps. For the gaming centre, the BIZ 10 package is sufficient enough for gaming. Below shows some of the key features of the BIZ 10 package:- Download and upload up to 10Mbps 1 fixed IP Unlimited usage 2 online guard plus 2 ishield plus 3.4 Component of Network In earlier part of documentation, it states that a complete network consists of 4 major components. The components are, computer, software, network interface device, and transmission medium. If lacking either one of the components, a network will not complete. 3.4.1 Computer Computers, a component that responsible on dealing with the user and connection, to setup, configure and maintain the network. Gaming centres main objective is to provide good service in terms of game playing satisfaction for customer to gain profit. In customer view, they usually hope to play game without any connection latency problem, or display lagging problem during the game. And also external hardware such as keyboard, mouse, and headphone also must be in good quality to satisfy the customer. In order to achieve the objective, choosing the right hardware for the computer would be important. Due to the computer hardware is updating model and performance frequently, there is impossible for a gaming centre to get a set of latest hardware for computer in the gaming centre, because it is costly. In this case, the computer that installed in the gaming centre would be a customize computer, which means the CPU itself is installed based on buyers need. Therefore, the computer specificat ion for the gaming centre is shown on table below. System Component Device model Operating system Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit CPU Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20GHz RAM 4GB Graphic Card ATI Radeon HD 5670 DirectX DirectX 11 Table 3.1 Computer Specification In order for gaming centre to keep the important data and information such as finance report or employees profile. It is highly recommended to implement server in the gaming centre. Server also allows gaming centre to store the games that going to play by the customer. Customer able to play any games that already installed in the server of the gaming centre, by choosing and click on the games shortcut inside the computer, customer are able to play the game freely. The model of server recommended to implement in gaming centre is Dell PowerEdge R515 2U Rack Server. It is suitable for storing database, application, email and others file. This model of server consists up to 25TB of internal storage space. And is easy to manage with the help of dell management console, and interactive LCD screen and other features to allow administrator to monitor and maintain the server frequently. Figure 3.3 Dell PowerEdge R515 2U Rack Server Processors AMD OpteronTM   4100 series processors Memory Up to 128GB1  (8 DIMM slots) 1GB/ 2GB/ 4GB/ 8GB   Up to 1333MHz Operating System Microsoft ®Ã‚   Windows ®Ã‚   Small Business Server 2011 Microsoft ®Ã‚   Windows ®Ã‚   Small Business Server 2008 Microsoft ®Ã‚   Windows Server ®Ã‚   2008 SP2, x86/x64 (x64 includes Hyper-VTM   ) Microsoft ®Ã‚   Windows Server ®Ã‚   2008 SP2 R2, x64 (includes Hyper-VTM   v2) Microsoft ®Ã‚   Windows ®Ã‚   HPC Server 2008 Novell ®Ã‚   SUSE ®Ã‚   Linux ®Ã‚   Enterprise Server Red Hat ®Ã‚   Enterprise Linux ®Ã‚   Virtualization Options: Citrix ®Ã‚   XenServerTM   VMware ®Ã‚   vSphereTM   4.1 (including VMware ESX ®Ã‚   4.1 or VMware ESXiTM   4.1) Storage Option Hot-plug Hard Drive Options: 2.5 SAS SSD, SATA SSD, SAS (10K) 3.5 SAS (15K), nearline SAS (7.2K), SATA (7.2K) Maximum Internal Storage: Up to 8TB1-24.6TB1  (depending on chassis) Embedded Network Controller One Dual-Port Broadcom 5716 Gigabit NIC (total of two 1x GB ports) Drive Bays Hot-Swap options available:   Up to eight or twelve 3.5 SAS or SATA, or 2.5 SAS or SSD drives Slots 3 PCIe G2 slot + 1 storage slot: One x8 slot Two x4 slots One x4 Storage slot Power Redundant 750W hot-plug power supplies Availability Hot-plug hard drives, Hot-plug redundant power, ECC memory, and Quad-pack LED diagnostic (12HDD chassis) or interactive LCD (8HDD chassis) Graphic Maxtrox G200eW w/8MB Chassis 8 HDD Chassis 3.40 H x 17.19 W x 24.09 D (in) 86.4 H x 436.6 W x 610.2 D (mm) 12 HDD Chassis 3.42 H x 17.53 W x 26.17 D (in) 86.7 H x 445.2 W x 664.6 D (mm) Management DellTM   OpenManageTM   BMC, IPMI 2.0 compliant Lifecycle Controller enabled via optional: iDRAC6 Express, or iDRAC6 Enterprise and vFlash Unified Server Configurator Table 3.2 Server Specification (, n.d) 3.4.2 Software The software that recommended implementing into the gaming centre is Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit installed in every computer inside the gaming centre due to user friendly. For the server, it is recommended to install Windows small business server 2008. This particular operating system support internet connectivity, internal Web sites, remote access, file and printer sharing, backup and restore to secure all the resource that installed in the server. For securing the computer in the gaming centre from virus attack and hacking, the antivirus also required to install. The KasperSky anti-virus 2011 is the latest and suitable to protect the computer in gaming centre. In order to maintain and configure the network easily, the Cisco routers are integrated with Cisco IOS which is an all-in-one network operating system that allow user maintain the network using Cisco IOS Command Line Interface (CLI). With the help of Cisco IOS, administrators can configure, monitor and troubleshoot the system easily. Last but not least, all the games software or client need to installed into the server to allow customer to access. The reason of installing all games client is to save time on install and maintain. When a games encounter a problem, admin can solve it on the server side compare to install in each pc, admin have to solve the same problem over and over again when problem encounter. 3.3.3 Transmission Media The transmission media used for the gaming centre is Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) and wireless. UTP is the most commonly used media for connecting from device to device in various type of network. It consists of eight individual copper wires and each of the wires are covered by an insulating material and twisted around each other. Upon searching for information regarding UTP (CICSO, 2004) has shown various category of UTP cable. Category 1 Used for telephone communications. Not suitable for transmitting data. Category 2 Capable of transmitting data at speeds up to 4 megabits per second (Mbps). Category 3 Used in 10BASE-T networks. Can transmit data at speeds up to 10 Mbps. Category 4 Used in Token Ring networks. Can transmit data at speeds up to 16 Mbps. Category 5 Can transmit data at speeds up to 100 Mbps. Category 5e Used in networks running at speeds up to 1000 Mbps (1 gigabit per second [Gbps]). Category 6 Typically, Category 6 cable consists of four pairs of 24 American Wire Gauge (AWG) copper wires. Currently the fastest standard for UTP. The reason of having UTP to be implement in the gaming centre is due to the cost for the cable is cheap compare to other type of cables and is easier to install as well. It also can support multiple signals travelling through the same cable. Figure 3.3 Unshielded Twisted Pair cable (, n.d) 3.4.4 Network Interface Device For network interface device, is the component that act as the middle man in terms of business, it is connected with the users computer, and also Internet to handle data transferring, such as modem, router, switch, hub, and bridges. The device that implement in the gaming centre is modem, router, and switches. Each three device have different usage, modem, allow users to gain access to the internet which usually provided by the Internet Service Provider company upon subscribe the package. Router, to allow more than two users to connected and access to the internet, it also allow users to form a LAN. Switches, allow multiple users to communicate and sharing resource within the network. The router that recommended implementing in the gaming centre is Cisco 2951 Series Integrated Router. This model of routers has the feature shown below:- 3 integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports with 1 port capable of RJ-45 or SFP connectivity 2 service module slots 4 Enhanced High-Speed WAN Interface Card slots 3 onboard digital signal processor (DSP) slots 1 internal service module slot for application services Fully integrated power distribution to modules supporting 802.3af Power over Ethernet (PoE) and Cisco Enhanced PoE Security Onboard hardware acceleration for VPN encryption Secure collaborative communications with Group Encrypted Transport VPN, Dynamic Multipoint VPN, or Enhanced Easy VPN Integrated threat control using Cisco IOS Firewall, Cisco IOS Zone-Based Firewall, Cisco IOS IPS, and Cisco IOS Content Filtering Identity management using authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA), and public key infrastructure Voice High-density packet voice DSP module, optimized for voice and video support Standards-certified VoiceXML browser services Cisco Unified Border Element capabilities Cisco Unity Express voicemail support. Support for Cisco Communications Manager Express and Survivable Remote Site Telephony Figure 3.4 Cisco 2951 Series Integrated Router (, n,d) For switches, one of the most famous and reliable brand is Cisco. Therefore, the model choose to implement in gaming centre will be ESW-520-48P-K9. This particular model of switch contains 48 ports which mean that it capable to handle 48 devices at a time and it have 4 expansion ports: 2 10/100/1000BAST-T and 2 SFP slot. Figure 3.5 ESW-520-48P-K9 (, n.d) 4.0 Floor Plan Figure 4.1 Floor Plan 5.0 Network Diagram 6.0 Appendix 6.1 Practical 1 Task A List the different types of Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cables commonly found and state the common uses for each. (12 marks) Category 1 Used for telephone communications. Not suitable for transmitting data. Category 2 Capable of transmitting data at speeds up to 4 megabits per second (Mbps). Category 3 Used in 10BASE-T networks. Can transmit data at speeds up to 10 Mbps. Category 4 Used in Token Ring networks. Can transmit data at speeds up to 16 Mbps. Category 5 Can transmit data at speeds up to 100 Mbps. Category 5e Used in networks running at speeds up to 1000 Mbps (1 gigabit per second [Gbps]). Category 6 Category 6 cable consists of four pairs of 24 American Wire Gauge (AWG) copper wires. Currently the fastest standard for UTP. Task B Identify the components and tools necessary to wire Ethernet cables using the chosen UTP cable. (4 marks) RJ-45 connecter Crimping tool (AMP modular plug hand tool) Cable tester UTP cable Task C For each of the component and tool identified in part (b), describe and illustrate using diagrams where applicable the purpose of each and differentiate the various categories or classifications should they exist. (20 marks) UTP cable Figure 6.1 UTP cable (, n.d) -Common type of cable that used to connect between computer and network device in most of the network nowadays. RJ-45 connecter Figure 6.2 RJ-45 connecter (, n.d) -To connect between RJ-45 interface network device and computer. Crimping tool (AMP modular plug hand tool) Figure 6.3 AMP modular plug hand tool (, n.d) -A multipurpose tool that can use for stripping the wires jacket and cut the wires into specific length and crimping RJ-45 connecter to sealed the wires of UTP in correct place within the jack Cable tester Figure 6.4 Cable tester (, n.d) To perform a test on the cable when successfully crimped. Task D Using separate diagrams, illustrate the different two wire color-code standards for implementing of UTP Ethernet cables. (16 marks) Figure 6.5 color-code standard (, n.d) Table 6.2 Wiring Standards (, n.d) Pin # T568A T568B 1 White/Green White/Orange 2 Green Orange 3 White/Orange White/Green 4 Blue

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Runaway Statues: Platonic Lessons on the Limits of an Analogy :: Philosophy Plato Analogy Essays

Runaway Statues: Platonic Lessons on the Limits of an Analogy ABSTRACT: Plato’s best-known distinction between knowledge and opinion occurs in the Meno. The distinction rests on an analogy that compares the acquisition and retention of knowledge to the acquisition and retention of valuable material goods. But Plato saw the limitations of the analogy and took pains to warn against learning the wrong lessons from it. In this paper, I will revisit this familiar analogy with a view to seeing how Plato both uses and distances himself from it. Plato's best-known distinction between knowledge and opinion occurs in the Meno. The distinction rests on an analogy that compares the acquisition and retention of knowledge to the acquisition and retention of valuable material goods. But Plato saw the limitations of the analogy and took pains to warn against learning the wrong lessons from it. In the next few pages I will revisit this familiar analogy with a view to seeing how Plato both uses and distances himself from it. Recall Plato's analogy. To acquire an untied work of Daedalus is not worth much, like acquiring a runaway slave, for it does not remain, but it is worth much if it is tied down, for his works are very beautiful. What am I thinking of when I say this? True opinions.(1) When one owns a valuable statue fashioned by a great artist, one becomes responsible for its security. So life-like it is that it may "run away and escape," jokes Plato, the point being that because fine statues are attractive to other people, their owners must take precautions against their loss by tying then down. Opinions, on this analogy, are potentially flighty, like a slave who runs away from an owner. A slave who runs away is, from the slave-holder's point of view, "worthless." Plato writes, For correct opinion, as long as they remain, are a fine thing and all they do is good, but they are not willing to remain long, and they escape from a man's mind, so that they are not worth very much until one ties them down by (giving) an account of the reason why... After they are tied down, in the first place they become knowledge, and then they remain in place. That is why knowledge is prized higher than correct opinion, and knowledge differs from opinion in being tied down.(2) A valuable statue bought and put in a garden must be "tied down.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Feminist Movement :: essays research papers fc

It was in the mid-1800s when the first signs of the feminist movement came about. In 1861, a man named John Stuart Mill wrote The Subjection of Women, which was said to have spawned the ideology of the Women’s Rights Movement (Ryan 11). He discussed the role of women is society during that time, pointing out how the patriarchy placed such an intense limit on what women could do. Patriarchy is the system in which the male race governs societal views, and this practice has been in existence since the dawn of time. This work raised the consciousness of many women, but the first hints of an organized movement did not come about until the approach of the twentieth century. It has been said the Black Abolition Movement was the encouragement that women needed to go after what they believed in (Ryan 10). In 1898 came the beginnings of Women’s Suffrage, which was the movement intended to allow women the right to vote. During this time, over 500 separate campaigns were launched with the goal of attaining this right. Females such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony spoke all over the country on women’s rights and suffrage, gaining many supporters along the way (Ryan 9). The National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was soon formed, and Stanton was its first president. She helped to begin extensive mobilizing efforts and put a strong foot forward in the suffrage movement (Ryan 22). When the Nineteenth Amendment was passed, women nationwide rejoiced at their accomplishment with the feeling that they had made a difference, and their feeling of inferiority had subsided. Works Cited Bardon, Edward J. The Sexual Arena and Women’s Liberation. Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1978.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Faith Healing: How Many More Children Will Die ? :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Faith Healing: How Many More Children Will Die ? June 18, 1997-- â€Å"Only six more days until my birthday! Wow! I can’t believe I’m going to be seventeen finally! Even though I’m excited, I wish I could start feeling better. I’m not really too sick, but I still am a little scared. In my heart, I wish I could go see a doctor, but I know that I could never tell my mom and dad that. Even if they heard me say it, they still wouldn’t listen to me, no matter how sick I was. I know I’m supposed to have faith that God will heal me, but right now I’m so afraid. I can’t die now. There is too much stuff I still want to do; I have so many hopes and dreams for my future...† Shannon Nixon never lived to see her 17th birthday. On June 21, 1997, only three days before her birthday, Shannon went into a diabetic coma and died shortly after. In all her life, she had never been to a hospital, seen the inside of an ambulance or even visited her local doctor’s office. Even at birth, she was delivered without the aid of a doctor or nurse. Shannon’s parents refused to seek medical help for her or any of their other nine children. Her parents are members of the Faith Tabernacle Church, where all the members solely believe in the power of faith healing (Dowell). Faith healing is defined by Webster as a method of treating diseases by prayer and exercise of faith in God. The members of the Faith Tabernacle church, as well as many other groups in the United States including the Christian Scientists and the Followers of Christ, believe that the right and power to heal is solely God’s. â€Å"Like many fellow Pentecostals, the Followers believe the Bible prescribes prayer and the laying on of hands to cure physical ills. Unlike most, however, Followers reportedly refuse medical treatment-- for themselves or for their children† (Biema). The Followers believe that any medicine or doctoral attention is putting faith in people instead of God. Whether it’s something as minor as a mere finger cut, or as dangerously deadly as diabetes or leukemia, the family refuses to seek medical contact or attention. This belief has been around since Biblical times. James 5:14 says, â€Å"Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the c hurch to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord (NIV).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Consider the benefits and challenges of social media amongst young Australians Essay

The use of social media by young Australians has become increasingly popular. This essay will show that social media can have many benefits to young Australians by enabling them to engage with peers, the creativeness it brings out and enhanced learning opportunities. Cyber bullying and privacy issues are some of the challenges that can arise with the use of social media. One of the benefits of social media is the ability to connect and engage with others. Keeping in touch with friends and family who live far away can be made a lot easier by communicating through social media by sharing updates, photos, videos, and messages. ’In 2008, Facebook reported having 67 million active users, with more than half of them returning daily and spending an average 20 minutes per day on the site’. Social media provides young people with the right tool to be able to make new relationships as well as strengthened existing relationships. The strong sense of community and belonging fostered by SNS [social networking services] has the potential to promote resilience, which helps young people to successfully adapt to change and stressful events. Social media is a significant tool for enabling creativity and innovation for young Australians. Through social media they are able to develop a diverse range of skills such as editing content, interactive blogging, encourage the creation and sharing of poetry, arts, photography, and video content. A study conducted last year by the University of Minnesota suggested that using social networking sites improved technology and communication skills, boosted creativity and exposed students to new and diverse world views. These students also tended to do better in exams. Education through social media has great benefits for young people. Being able to learn everything from foreign languages to how to write a computer code and everything in between. Social networking services can facilitate learning and skill development outside formal learning environments by supporting peer-to-peer learning of knowledge and skills, collaboration, diverse cultural expression, the development of skills valued in the modern workplace , and a more empowered conception of citizenship. Cyber bullying on social media is a risk for young Australians. Cyber bullying is purposely using social media to communicate wrong, humiliating, or hostile information about another person. The most frequently used nature of harassments are name calling and gossiping. ‘Thirty three percent of youth reported an online harassment in the last year’. Young people usually react by pretending to ignore it, by really ignoring it or by reacting and bullying the bully. Cyber bullying is quite common and can occur to any young person online. Cyber bullying can have devastating effects to a young person including depression, anxiety, isolation and suicide. The improper use of social media by young Australians can put their privacy at risk. The volume and accessibility of personal information available on social media have attracted malicious people who seek to exploit this information. Young people who lack an awareness of privacy issues often post on social media inappropriate messages, pictures, and videos of themselves and others without understanding that it could result in future reputations being damaged. ‘Adults are concerned about invasion of privacy, while teens freely give up personal information’. Sharing too much information on social media can also make young people easier targets for marketers and fraudsters. Communicating and sharing information on social media to someone who you do not know their identity can be very dangerous as this sort of behaviour can attract online predators. To conclude, it is clear young Australian’s are faced with many benefits and challenges when using social media. From cyber bullying and privacy issues social media opens up avenues for problems but along with these challenges come opportunities for young people to learn in many different ways and express themselves creatively. It is up to the user how they want to engage and use social media.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Present day Societal Value of Labor Unions Essay

A labor union is an organization of employees of the same profession, working for either one employer or many employers. It is formed by people with common skills, knowledge and skills pursuing the same dream, to be at the top of their carriers. Labor unions are normally funded by contributions from employee’s salaries. They are headed by officials who are elected by members after a given period of time. For labor unions to be effective they need to be run by people with the right management education, skills, knowledge and experience for them to deliver to their respective members. Labor union officials are accountable to its members and need to be responsible enough, for every action they take, has consequences on all the members. Labor unions are formed and run as per the constitution, according to the Labor act of any nation and the related articles. Labor unions have a societal value in the present day, because members expect some return that is either qualitative or quantitative. Although employers may be opposed to the idea of labor unions, the Government gives the right atmosphere for their formation and existence. Labor unions that are not beneficial to the members do not last long, because they are democratic institutions and members have a right to quit and join new unions. (Albert, 2001 p. 20-31) Organized institutions: Labor unions provide a forum for dealing with multiple issues at once and as group. Actions taken by labor unions are across the board; they relate to all the employees and their respective employers. Issues tackled do not relate to individuals but to the whole group of members. Members of the same profession get to meet and reason together, in order to better their living standards and their economic well being. Solutions to issues facing the employees are to the advantage of all the member. Labor unions need to be registered as per the required regulations, prescribed under the Labor union’s Act of any Country. They are therefore recognized and protected by law. They are therefore expected to deliver as per the necessary standards, without bias to either the employees or the employers. Issues presented by individual members are discussed by the officials and if need be, they are communicated to the rest of the members, in order to understand who the union is acting for, at any particular time. Protection of Employee’s rights: Labor unions are formed on the principle, â€Å"united we stand, divided we fall†. Any skilled, semiskilled and unskilled employee has rights and privileges at his place of work, which the employer may not be willing and ready to fulfill. It’s the duty of the labor union to negotiate for its members, with the employers for their rights to be realized. Single employees may not have a better understanding of their rights and may be oppressed by the employer. In groups/labor unions they will have the power to speak as one and demand the employer’s attention. (Becky 2002 p. 11-32) Some employee’s rights include; Better working, conditions and environment; This mostly applies to semiskilled and unskilled workers who are found at industrial plants. Most employers may find it expensive to provide them with the right working gear and devices like, gloves, masks and gum boots. Such employees will therefore be risking their lives at the expense of their incomes and need someone to come in between. Such employees may not be housed at the plant and will be expected to report to work early in the morning. The labor union will come in and negotiate for their transport system; whereby they are either picked by bus early in the morning or they are given an adequate transport allowance to enable them be punctual at work. The single employees who demand better working conditions and environment may risk their jobs because the management may consider them to be unruly. Some manufacturing companies, like tobacco industries, pollute the environment which the employees are working in. they may therefore be exposed to contracting diseases, hence poor health. It is the duty of the labor unions to negotiate healthy environment to ensure that employees utilize their skills well and advance in their carriers. A well balanced remuneration package; Employees need a salary package relatively proportional to their contribution towards the company’s profitability. Some employers may want to retain a lot of their earnings and therefore deny their laborers/employees good compensation. For a worker to be productive his or her financial and economic needs should be well catered for, by the employer. A stressed up employee may not utilize his education and knowledge adequately to develop his carrier. Some employers may want to pay their employees less than the other professionals with the same education, knowledge and skills. This is psychologically unfair and the labor union steps in to ensure a uniform salary package across the board for people with the same skills and knowledge. If the employer does not obey, the labor union can sue on behalf of the employee with costs being met by the employer, as per the relevant regulation and case ruling. Employee Motivation; For employees to perform better, they need their spirits lifted through a well organized motivation system. These lack in some organizations and it is the duty of labor unions to negotiate for the members items like, overtime payments, study leaves and bonus payments. It is through such motivation systems that employees can utilize their skills, education and knowledge in order to have some carrier growth and development. Labor unions therefore assist their members in meeting their short-term goals and keep them focused at their long-term goals. Better working conditions at the present make it possible for employees to realize ambitions and dreams. (Norman 2000 p. 4-54) Retirement benefits; Labor unions ensure that every employer has retirement arrangements in place for its employees. Employees should not retire with any funds to survive on because this may depress them at their old age. Retirement age is therefore maintained across all companies and those who their contracts are terminated in advance are given some golden handshake to survive on. Labor unions also deal with cases where contracts are terminated before maturity and those affected are restored and any damages are catered for by the employer. The labor unions therefore ensure that the society’s dependency ratio is not increased due to early terminations or people retiring with out finances. Professional Networking: Through labor unions professionals get to meet and share ideas relating to their carrier field. People with the same knowledge, skills, education and experience get to network and assist one another emotionally and this boosts their morale. Meetings organized by labor unions for its members provide a forum for discussions to be held among members. Motivational speakers are also invited to give speech which inspires the members. Carrier growth and development: Labor unions ensure that members are constantly being updated on the latest skills and knowledge during union meetings. Discussions held also advance the awareness of their professional field details. Members also get to know the requirements for their movement up the carrier ladder. Study leaves negotiated for by the labor unions provide carrier development. Some employers may want to maintain employees as casual, which is not as per the law; labor unions therefore come to negotiate for their permanent employment. This enables both carrier growth and development. Go slows: When employers do not want to give in to requests by the employees, laborers may present this to their unions and they may result in mass action. Demonstrations/go slows organized by labor unions are recognized by the laws and no one of the employees is victimized. workers’ plights are therefore considered by their employers and their demands are negotiated for by both the employer and the union officials. Creation of jobs: Labor unions are run by officials, elected by the members based on their education, knowledge and experience, to manage the union. These officials are well remunerated, from the contributions by the members. They therefore earn a living out their efforts to manage the unions. In the society, dependency ratio is therefore reduced while idleness by the unemployed and crime levels go down. These officials are replaced from time to time and the jobs are given to new people. Mediator between the government and the employees: Labor unions negotiate with the Government for labor standards to be maintained for the sake of the employees. The government is therefore kept on check by the union to ensure that there are statutory regulations on the, minimum wage, working conditions/environment and unfair dismissals. Labor unions also provide some level of awareness to the professionals in terms of, what they should expect from the employer and what their level of productivity to their employers should be, in order to experience carrier growth and development. (Timothy, Roni, 2003 p. 23-34) References: Albert S. (2001). Labor unions. New York. Cristol Publishers. Becky T. (2002). Societal Value of Labor Unions. New Jersey. Western Press. Norman C. (2000). Enforcement of Labor unions. Los Angelus. Southern Publishers. Timothy S, Roni B. (2003). Labor Unions in united States. Boston. Cribal Publishers.

Ipad vs. Galaxy Tablet

When you want to surf the Internet, what gadgets do you most commonly use: laptop computers, smart phones, or cell phones? Nowadays, many people have smart phones and laptops. However, we now also have access to tablets. So now we will compare two of the newest most commonly used tablets. One is the new iPad, manufactures by Apple, and the other is the Galaxy tablet note 10. 1, by Samsung. The tablets are quite expensive, the iPad is however priced at $629 and the galaxy note is $499. Both are high-resolution tablets.One can get normal usage out of the two if the batteries are fully charged. The main difference lies in the operating software and various other features, one being iOS whereas the latter is android. First of all we will examine the size. The new iPad is 9. 50 inches high and 7. 31 inches wide. On the other hand, the Galaxy note is 10. 3 inches high and 7. 1 inches wide. Hence, the Galaxy note is a bit bigger than the iPad. These sizes are almost half of a laptop. But th e depths of the tablet are very different from a laptop.Galaxy note is a little thinner than the iPad. Moreover, there are great differences in their connections; the Galaxy note has a USB port whereas the iPad does not. The iPad supports 3G Internet, 4G Internet and Wi-Fi Internet, none of which are supported by the Galaxy note. Another important aspect of the two is their respective weights. The new iPad is 1. 44 pounds whereas the Galaxy note is 1. 31 pounds. These are like 20 oz. plastic bottles of water. This makes the iPad a little heavier than the Galaxy note.It is a small difference but it plays a big role because tablets are used frequently and are very useful. They are supposed to be portable for daily use and flexible usage. Finally, we will focus on their prices and critique some reviews. Both these devices have a rating of 4. 5. However, the Galaxy note is priced at a reasonable rate and is more affordable. According to phonearena. com â€Å"From a distance, the two lo ok similar to one another, but once we’re able to grasp both in our hands, the new iPad is able to deliver the impactful wow factor thanks to its premium feel.Well, it’s not to say that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10. 1 isn’t a bad looker, especially when it’s the lighter and slightly thinner tablet, but its all-plastic body doesn’t have the allure to match the impeccable industrial design of the iPad. † After analyzing all these facts I would say that the iPad is any day better because of its superior features and premium construction. However, it’s a person choice which one they prefer to use as the Galaxy is no far behind in the market either.It all depends on the person’s comfort level and personal choice. In conclusion, As per my personal opinion I would choose the iPad first but since it’s a little more expensive I would be inclined to choose the Galaxy note. We have to consider company value and accessories when choosin g a new gadget. We should also check out reviews on amazon. com and other ‘technology geeks’ websites to have a better understanding of what we are spending our money on.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Lucent technology supply chain summary Essay

Lucent Technologies is a multinational telecommunication company which was spun off from AT&T in 1996. Before restructure, as an integrated telecommunications services and equipment company, AT&T had been primarily U. S. -centric market and more than half of income was generated by services in U. S. However, the restructure made Lucent focused on communications equipment globally. When Lucent expand into global market, its flagship product, the5ESS ® digital switch, was a market leader in worldwide telecommunication infrastructure equipment. While the 5ESS ® digital switch provided the company’s more competitive edge in global market. This custom configured, engineered-to-order product made only a portion of its assemblies could be built to stock. Moreover, 5ESS ® digital switch orders from Asian market had continued to grow rapidly, and Asia became an important part of Lucent’s business. U. S. -centric Supply Model Before Lucent’s independence from AT&T, it established some joint ventures in four Asian countries to meet the increasing telecommunication equipment demand in Asian market. But this marketing entry mode just provided access to these markets. Most manufacturing continued to be done in Oklahoma City. The Asian joint ventures only performed final assembly and testing. It was believed that Lucent would benefit from the cost saving from economies of scale in manufacturing in US. However, as tremendous demand growth and intense competition arose from these countries, the delivery costs and lead time became two critical issues in this industry. The long distance inhibited the instant response. Delay means market losing. What’s more, increasing local content by having locally purchased parts would lower the costs and made product more locally attractive. Asian-centric Supply Model After 1996, asset management, product lead time and supply chain efficiency became more and more important for this new independent manufacturing firm. The primary market shifted from U. S to Asian market required a redesign of the Asian supply chain. First of all, it took a â€Å"hub-and spoke† model. Taiwan was the hub of the Asian supply chain. Custom engineering and manufacturing of Asian orders would be manufactured in Taiwan rather than Oklahoma City, and Asian orders were placed with Taiwan rather than U. S. Low volume assemblies remained in U. S. Secondly, different supply modes (inshore or outsource) were decided by different product volumes. And then it used local components (direct procurement) and local suppliers (local procurement). Last but not least, it insisted a strict quality control. Products manufactured by Asian joint ventures had the same quality standards. There were also some barriers for the redesign of supply chain. For example, the new manufacturing center in Asian mean losing job in U. S. The transfer of production to joint venture may reduce Lucent’s profits. And also the sales organization worried about the sales decreased because of losing â€Å"Made in USA† label. All of these barriers were addressed when the benefits of redesigning outweighed the costs. The redesign decreased the lead time, and customer satisfactions had improved a lot. Meanwhile, Taiwan joint venture reengineered its factory to improve the productivity. The increasing productivity and decreasing costs means the firm became more profitable. Also, support of Asian joint ventures helped Lucent win more business in Asia, and the huge capacity of Asian joint ventures can support Lucent’ global customer demand. So the all improvement by redesigning the supply chain made Lucent more competitive in global market. Summary and Recommendations Despite its success in the later 1990s, new challenges have arisen. How to response the changing demand in this complex business environment and how to expand its capacity in other emerging markets? The internet and IT tools caused fundamental changes in business models and traditional customer-supplier relationships. Contract manufacturing company in Asian provides new opportunity for the firm to outsourcing its manufacturing and logistics responsibility. In my view, outsourcing its assembly and component is a better way for Lucent to cope with new challenge. Because 5ESS ® digital switch was reaching its mature period in the product life cycle, and the intensive competition and changing environment forced telecommunication industry to devoted more time to new product research and marketing strategy. In its initial stage, the core product is the key to success and the supply chain redesign facilitate its further success. But nowadays, the product life cycle is shortening and the industry is changing at ever-increasing rate. Lucent has to improve researching, marketing strategy and supply chain management at the same rate to cope with the changing market. In addition, Lucent can use merging and acquisition strategy to integrate available resources to expand its business. Questions for group As Lucent shift its main supply chain from U. S to Asian market, how to compete with domestic rivalry Cisco? As more and more local telecommunication company grew up, how to cope with fierce industry competition with local firms, and some multinational telecommunication firms now target at Asian market, how to compete with them in global market? Should Lucent insist its in-source strategy or use outsourcing for the future supply chain management? Because its flagship products had reached its mature period, is it necessary for Lucent to build a main R&D center in the emerging market like Cisco did?