Friday, May 31, 2019

Vegetarianism Essay -- Healthy Lifestyle Essay

VegetarianismEating is a staple of life. In forevery culture, food customs and commixture are part of that cultures definition. In American society and other cultures, middle is a main food that is consumed, yet not by everyone. Dating substantiate to medieval times, some meats were not consumed due to the impurities they were seen to be by the religions of the time. Throughout history, this has developed from not eat red meat, to not eating any meat at all, and even further to the vegan extreme of not eating any animal products at all. Though not everyone feels this way, more and more people motley their eating habits every day. Methodology Due to the nature of this report, information is not hard to find, especially in this town. Considering that there is a whole food perseverance in todays society, the data is not hard to collect. Also, with the new wave of vegetarianism and veganism making its way through society, research on it was plentiful. Most of the books in the libr ary tended to be older books, but they did briefly go into vegetarianism in certain sections. As is shown through various graffiti art on the sidewalks, such as VEGAN magnate XXX, to the food in the dorms (signs stating the vegan or vegetarian nature of the food), this is a new heath and moral concern with people, but especially college students today. Students who have changed their eating habits are besides good sources for information on how one goes about changing theirs too. Description and Analysis To live, one has to eat, and the best food for the body is that of the healthy nature. The concept of eating in such a way as to help the body to balance and adjust itself is of course a widespread one, (pg. 93, Wheeler/Poh). Over the years, jump b... ...matter. Actually narrowing my paper down helped me be more productive for I had a goal in mind instead of just a very broad subject matter of food. This report turned out very well and I enjoyed researching it. However, in the f uture I hope to interview more people to get more of a range of opinions. Overall, I enjoyed doing this research and finding out more about vegetarianism than I could have ever imagined. ReferencesDenny, Laura. 2001. Interview by Sarah E. Patterson, 2 December, Bloomington, Indiana. Tape Recording. SEP A-052. Twigg, Julia. 1983. Vegetarianism and the Meaning of Meat, in The Sociology of Food and Eating, by Anne Murcott. England Gower Publishing Company Limited. Wheeler, Erica and Poh, Tan Swee. 1983. Food for Equilibrium, in The Sociology of Food and Eating, by Anne Murcott. England Gower Publishing Company Limited.

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